Lose Weight: Getting Started – Losing weight takes more than just the desire to do it. You need to commit and have a well-thought-out plan. It is a step-by-step guide to what you can do to get started.
Step 1: Commit.
Deciding to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step. Start simply by committing yourself. Many people find it cool to put their commitment into a written contract. This contract may include things like how much weight you want to lose, the date you want to lose it, the dietary changes you will make to adopt healthy eating habits, and a plan for regular physical activity.
It is also helpful to put the reasons why you want to lose weight. It could be that your family has a history of heart disease or as you want to see your kids marry, or simply because you need to look better in your clothes. Support these reasons as a daily reminder of your reasons for change.
Step 2: Locate your reality.
Consult with your healthcare provider to have your weight, height, and weight-related risk factors evaluated. Make a follow-up appointment to monitor changes in your weight or health-related situations.
This journal allows you to be more aware of what you eat and when you eat it. [PDF-122KB] for a few days, where you write down everything you eat. By being alert of this, you can avoid mindlessly eating.
Then take a look at your current lifestyle. Identify obstacles that can hinder your weight loss efforts. For example, does your work schedule or travel prevent you from getting enough physical activity? Do you tend to eat sugar-rich foods because that’s what you buy for your children? Do your co-workers often bring high-calorie foods to share, like donuts? Think about almost what you can do to overcome these challenges.
Step 3: Set realistic goals.
Fix some short-term goals and reward your energies throughout the procedure. If your long-term goal is to lose 40 pounds and switch your high blood pressure, you can set short-term physical activity and eating plans, such as starting breakfast, taking a 15-minute walk in the afternoon, or eating salad or vegetables for lunch. Dinner.
Deliberate on two or three goals at a time. The most effective objectives are:
- Concrete
- Realistic
- Comprehensive (we are not perfect)
For example, “exercise more” is not a precise goal. Then if you say, “I am going to walk 15 minutes, three days a week for the first week,” you are setting a concrete and realistic goal for the first week.
Remember, minor changes every day lead to significant long-term results. Also, remember that realistic goals are attainable goals. By reaching short-term goals on a day-to-day basis, you felt good about your progress and motivated to continue. Setting unrealistic goals, like losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks, brings spirits of defeat and frustration.
Existence realistic also means expressive that there may be setbacks. Setbacks occur when you go off plan for whatever reason, like vacations, working longer hours, or going through another change in your life. When you experience a setback, try to resume your plan as soon as possible.
Similarly, take some time to think about what you would do differently if faced with a similar situation to avoid setbacks.
Keep in mind that everyone is changed: what works for some does not work for others. Even if your neighbor has lost weight just by running, it doesn’t mean that running is the best option for you. Try various physical activities that you enjoy the most and are compatible with your life, such as walking, swimming, playing tennis, or taking group exercise classes. It will be relaxed for you to continue doing these activities in the long term.
Step 4: Identify information and support resources.
Seek support from family and friends in your weight loss efforts. You will find it easier to make lifestyle changes if you have people who can talk to and support you. Maybe you have co-workers or neighbors with similar goals, and together you can share recipes and make a group exercise plan.
It may also help join a weight loss support group or consult with a health professional, such as a registered dietitian. If they think it’s indicated, healthcare providers can give you more information on medications, devices, or even surgery to help you manage your weight.
Step 5: Keep track of your progress continuously.
Review the goals you set (in step 3) and assess your progress regularly. If you have selected a plan to walk every morning but find it challenging to do it before going to work, consider changing your work schedule or going for a walk at lunch or after work. Estimate which parts of your plan are working well and which parts need adjustment. Then rewrite your goals and strategy based on this assessment.
If you are consistently achieving your goals, keep adding goals to stay on track to success.
Reward your accomplishments! Value your actions and take pride in your progress. Use non-food rewards as incentives, such as treating yourself to a bouquet of fresh flowers, going out with friends to play a sport, or taking a relaxing soak in the tub. Incentives keep you motivated on your path to good health.