Home » Healthy Snacks for School – Ideas to Try – Small Vegetables, Fruits, and More

Healthy Snacks for School – Ideas to Try – Small Vegetables, Fruits, and More

by Life Bloom Beauty
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Healthy Snacks for School – School has resumed for our children and everything that goes with it: running in the morning, making healthy snacks for school (and maybe picnics too), etc.

How can you avoid always putting the same foods in your children’s boxes? How do you find new ideas?

Children want a variety of healthy foods to stay healthy, have energy throughout the day, and concentrate at school.

Please do not put lots of cookies or other sweets in your children’s snack boxes under the pretext of “consoling” them because they were a little sad or anxious in the morning or because they spent the day away from you. , etc.

I know we want to please our children because we love them more than anything, but giving them too much sugar, in the end, does them a disservice because too much sugar can be harmful to their health. And if they consume it in the morning, they will quickly be tired, their body will ask for more all day (“sugar calls for sugar”). Therefore, they will consume too much of it during the day, which will negatively affect their health.

To help you out, today I decided to give you some ideas for healthy snacks to take in the binder for 10 am (although in case your child has a protein breakfast, healthy snacks for school, they don’t need it and may not even be hungry!) or taste it.

1.  Small Vegetables – Healthy Snacks for School

Your child’s snacks may consist of cherry tomatoes, cucumber or carrot sticks, pieces of cauliflower, or whatever they like. If you have time, you can make vegetable skewers. The visual has a lot to do with children, and adults too!

2. Fruits

The apples, pears, and bananas are usually the fruit we find in snack boxes.

You can also feed them melon, watermelon, or pineapple during the season. In this case, cut into small pieces and give a fork. It is also possible to alternate with red fruits, nectarines, peaches, plums, etc. Remember to vary the fruits and colors. Indeed, each color of food provides its share of good nutrients for healthy snacks for school.

Buy seasonal fruits.

Another snack idea: 1/2 avocado  (+ possibly lemon juice) to eat with a spoon.

Likewise, you can cut the avocado in half, eat half in the morning for your breakfast, and give the other half to your child with the kernel redeposited in it (because it will keep better). This way, you also fill up with good fats, including omega-3s.

3. Seeds, Dried Fruits, and Oilseeds

A mixture of nuts and seeds can serve as a snack: Nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, Gogi berries, raisins, squash seeds, etc.

You can also add figs, dates, dried apricots (don’t be surprised: if you buy them organic, they will be brown, not orange, which is more natural), dried bananas, etc.

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4.  ChocolateChocolate Healthy Snacks for School


A piece of dark chocolate (minimum 70%), accompanied by vegetable milk, can also compose the snacks.

The darker the chocolate, the healthier it is. So avoid white and milk chocolate, and choose black. Also, note that the higher the cocoa content, the lower the sugar level. So to get the most of the nutritional benefits of cocoa, buy at least 70% cocoa. It is the one I use in my homemade chocolate-hazelnut spread.

To relieve you of guilt for giving chocolate to your child or consuming it yourself, know that it contains potassium (beneficial, for example, for muscle contractions or the proper functioning of the kidneys), a little magnesium, and antioxidants. These are the flavonoids that help our body fight against free radicals, and these are the ones that cause damage to our cells and are therefore harmful to our health. However, these flavonoids also have a protective effect on the heart, and they are anti-inflammatory and help lower blood pressure.

Chocolate is anti-fatigue, thanks to the presence of caffeine and theobromine (one of the metabolites of caffeine). It can increase attention.

It also has a “good mood” effect, thanks to phenylethylamine (a chemical compound that helps the brain release endorphins). Its role is to make you happier and to have an anti-depressant effect  :-D. The tryptophan also contained in chocolate participates in this anti-depressant effect.

However, dark chocolate is high in calories and fat. No question of eating a whole tablet in one day!

So consume it sparingly! 1 or 2 squares of chocolate per day (about 10 grams) as a healthy snacks for school.

Suppose you read the ingredient list for the different packages of chocolate. In that case, you will notice that, if it is less than 70% cocoa, which ingredient comes first (i.e., whichever is present) in more significant quantity is sugar.

5. Dairy Products

Yogurt can give in snacks. However, avoid “special children’s” yogurts that contain too much sugar, as well as fruit yogurts that contain little fruit and a lot of aromas, sugar, etc.

  • So give preference to plain yogurt as healthy snacks for school.
  • You can also give your child a piece of the block of cheese (Emmental, gouda, Comte, parmesan).

Again, avoid soft cheeses “special for children.”

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